
Admission to Global Pathways Program 2021
Global Pathways Program is a Bachelor of Business program based on collaboration between ISB and 4 leading universities in Australia and New Zealand. The program has a total duration of

Admission of Master of Business Administration Western Sydney MBA in 2021
Acquiring knowledge and enhancing leadership skills in the field of management, business with Western Sydney MBA program, studying in Vietnam and owning a degree from one of the world’s leading

Grateful meeting on Vietnamese Teacher’s Day November 20
Last November 20, UEH-ISB held a meeting to grateful Vietnamese Teacher’s Day. This is a great ceremony to honor the tradition of respect for all lecturers at UEH-ISB.

MBA Meetup: Discover the MBA Experience at UEH-ISB
The Live Webinar “MBA Meetup” series is organized with a view to providing you – who are on the way pursuing an MBA course in shortly – with hands-on MBA

Orientation Day 2020 UEH-ISB Pathway BBus – Admission November
Every journey of you always has a new beginning. The orientation to welcome new students Pathway BBus has officially launched and promises to be a perfect start for students to

Western Sydney BBus Orientation Day 2020 – Admission November
Western Sydney BBus Orientation Day is always one of the most important traditional events in the year of Western Sydney Vietnam. In the joy of welcoming a new generation, Western

An orientation of Master of Business Administration ISB MBA
In the morning – October 25, 2020, with the organization of ISB, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, an orientation day of Master of Business Administration ISB MBA had

Graduation Ceremony 2020 of UEH-ISB
In the afternoon of October 11, 2020 at Hall 59C Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, UEH-ISB held a graduation ceremony for 299 new bachelors

ISB Graduation Ceremony 2020
Ending a journey is the beginning of a new horizon. Graduation ceremony is a solemn and proud event for each person when marking a milestone of maturity as well as